Friday, April 16, 2021

If I were a Preacher...

 A Sermon for Modern Mankind

God has dominion over all of creation. Res Extensa is God's domain. There God controls all, knows all, is supreme. Via the original act of creation God set forth all of his plan flawlessly, yet within this flawless plan of creation God granted mankind his greatest gift: free will. God's knowledge is so vast that he can know all of the possibilities mankind's free will introduces into his creation. There is no evil in God's creation...however the devil is busy at work.

God will never speak to men or women as that will rob them of the most precious gift of freedom. God does not influence. All God has set in motion God has power over and need not adjust it as all is within his perfect plan.

The devil has his own plans. The devil seeks to manipulate men and women into using their free will to his ends. The devil speaks to both men and women, telling them they are righteous, worthy or vicious, despicable; whatever is needed to influence to manipulate the freedom of mankind. 

Remember: if you think God is speaking to you he is not. He has spoken already. She has blessed all of creation and saw it as good. What you hear is the Devil speaking, calling out to entice you into spending your freedom on his game, for it is the only way for the devil to impact God's perfect creation. 

Your task is to identify the devil's cries and set them aside. For you to exercise your truly free will is to be holy and divine. Follow your heart and your reason. God's gift of will rests in your breast while God's gift of rationality and reason exists for all to discover of the glory of the natural world.